Ladies & Gentlemen
Inspired by a regular feature in All Out Cricket magazine, every Friday we give you the opportunity to look inside the mind of a Maldon CC member via our 20 Questions. This week it's the turn of our former overseas star of 2009 & 2011
Ladies & Gentleman....................Luke Fleming
1 Describe yourself in one word.
2 What word or phrase do you most overuse?
No Worries
3 What is your idea of happiness?
Drinking a pint of Cobra and listening to the Top Gun soundtrack at Curry Nights after a win in all grades.
4 What is your biggest pet hate?
The mid pitch glove punch when you have played and missed the entire over.
5 Which living person do you most admire and why?
Roger Federer- Champion competitor with a great temperament
6 What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
7 If you were an animal, what would you be?
A Panther
8 What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?
An Elmo pull shot
9 Which 3 people would you invite to your dream dinner party?
Charlie Sheen, Dave Grohl and Eddie Murphy
10 Whose windows would you most like to smash?
Tiger Woods
11 Who would you like to play you in a film of your life?
Steve Carell
12 What song would you have playing when walking out to bat?
Holy Grail - Hunters & Collectors
13 If you could be one other cricketer for a day, who would you be?
Mark Waugh
14 What is the first record you bought?
Live- Throwing copper
15 Who is your favourite comedian?
Carl Barron
16 What one piece of advice would you give to an U9 colt?
Learn to enjoy and improve fielding, as it can change the course of a game. In close games it is often the difference between winning and losing.
17 What is your favourite cricket tea item?
A salmon and cucumber sandwich
18 Who is the biggest moaner you have ever played cricket with?
Poor Martyn Coker trying to scrape together a Sunday PDQ XI on a Saturday night circa 2009
19 Where would you most like to watch a test match?
Queen's Park- Trinidad
20 What is your greatest ever performance on a cricket pitch?
Taking 7/20 bowling into a strong wind in 1st grade v Western Suburbs at Glenn Mcgrath Oval.
Next week it's the turn of Australia's greatest ever over-achiever!!!